Wish | Tongue Twister

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.

How to pronounce the “w”

To pronounce the “w” sound, you need to round your lips into a small circle. Here are the steps to form your lips for pronouncing “w”:

  1. Start with your mouth slightly open, with your teeth barely touching each other.
  2. Bring your lips together to form a small, rounded shape.
  3. Pucker your lips slightly to create a small opening in the center of your lips.
  4. While keeping your lips rounded, push air out through the small opening in your lips.

The resulting sound should be a voiced consonant sound, produced by vibrating your vocal cords while pushing air through the small opening between your lips. The “w” sound is similar to the “v” sound, but with rounded lips instead of a flat mouth.

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